Ski Trip

February 17, 2008

We had an absolute BLAST on our trip!  We didn’t know what to do with ourselves without all our kids, but it didn’t take us long to start having some FUN!  We stayed at the Copper Mountain resort in Colorado.  It snowed every day we were there!  Here are some pictures we got with our little take-along camera: 


Me and Bo trying to give a smooch with our ski goggles on 🙂


April and I found a cool igloo to snap a picture in after we “tubed”


Bo, Me, April, and Johnny


Johnny after he had “Grandma’s special recipe ribs”


At the restaurant


April and I found some fun sunglasses in one of the gift shops at the resort 🙂


3 Responses to “Ski Trip”

  1. Martha said

    Oh I can tell ya’ll had SO much fun! These pics are super cute:)

  2. Destiny said

    I’ve been waiting on this post!!! 🙂 It looks like you had a wonderful time! The pictures are very cute–they will make an awesome scrapbook layout!!

  3. Destiny said

    I tagged you on my blog!!!

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