Bento by Mo

February 22, 2008

Ok, so today I made my first “Bento” meal for Bexley to bring to school.  I got the idea from another photographer, Amy Coffey.  Well, actually the idea came from the Japanese culture.  They make these meals called “Bentos” that you can get for take-out or as a home-packed meal.  They are small amounts of foods packed in a little box, or served on a divided plate.  If done correctly, the size of the box is essentially the amount of calories in the meal.  For example, a 400ml box would contain roughly about 400 calories!  Pretty cool, huh? 

So, this is my “Mo” version of an americanized Bento meal.  I sent Bexley with this one today, and his teachers loved it.  And for the first time in a LONG time, he only had the napkin left!  I packed strawberries, purple grapes, half of a banana, crackers, and a wheat tortilla with PB&J…and a sippy cup with milk 🙂



2 Responses to “Bento by Mo”

  1. Destiny said

    That looks really good!! It’s too cute to be eaten!!

  2. wilkinsonphotography said

    I know! I thought the same thing when I got it all fixed up 🙂

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