Writings On The Wall

February 26, 2008

Well it finally happened…Bexley found a new coloring book…our living room wall!  It looks like he scribbled a bit, walked down the hall holding the crayon, and then scribbled some more.  I didn’t even notice it at first.  My first reaction was to get on to him for it, but then I stepped back, took another look at it, and then tried to think of some way I could get that tiny masterpiece into a frame.  Every time I walk past it, I can’t help but smile.  I know that 15 years from now, I’ll wish I still had a little boy putting his “writings on the wall.”




3 Responses to “Writings On The Wall”

  1. Destiny said

    Oh my gosh…that is so funny (but not really). I know you can’t help but smile at their little “mistakes”! If you want to get if off…try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
    I know its not as permanent, but I think the same thing with fingerprints on glass. When our house was showing, I would have JUST cleaned the windows and little E. would walk right up and touch. I would get frustrated at first, but then think about him growing up and that one day I will wish I had those little fingerprints back!!

  2. Onada said

    You are very talented! i love your pictures 🙂

  3. wilkinsonphotography said

    Oh thank you Onada for those kind words! I love what I do and hopefully my images show that!

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